Rowan’s Law (Concussion Safety)
As we get closer to the players hitting the ice, we want to bring attention to the new policy for Concussion Safety “Rowan’s Law”.
NOTE: Every NCMHA player must have a signed waiver BEFORE they step on the ice for the first time this season. Waivers and information will be emailed to parents and waivers will be collected when the players check-in before their first ice time.
The Ontario Government has enacted Rowan’s Law (Concussion Safety), 2018, S.O. 2018, c. 1 (“Act”). Ontario Regulation 161/19, the Act requires all sport organizations as defined in the Regulation (“Sports Organization”), which includes the Ontario Hockey Federation (“OHF”), to have a Concussion Code of Conduct. This Concussion Code of Conduct must require participants, as set out in the Act, to review the Ontario Government’s issued Concussion Awareness Resources on an annual basis.
A participant is subject to a Concussion Code of Conduct for each Sports Organization a participant registers with. Applicable age appropriate Concussion Awareness Resources are located at
The OHF Concussion Code of Conduct and the appropriate Concussion Awareness Resources must be reviewed before you can register/participate in the OHF.
The age appropriate resources are available on the NOHA website:
ALL participants must have a completed waiver signed before they are allowed to participate in an OHF program. The waiver form can also be found on the NOHA website.