Discriminatory Slurs – January 23, 2020
Date: January 23, 2020
To: NOHA Associations and Teams
From: Claudette Myre
Re: Discriminatory Slurs
The NOHA Board of Directors is very concerned with the number of Gross Misconduct Discriminatory Slur penalties that have been called this season.
Hockey Canada Rule 9.2.f
Any player or team official who engages in verbal taunts, insults or intimidation based on discriminatory grounds (race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, language) shall be assessed a Gross Misconduct penalty and the Referee shall report full details of the incident to the President.
Notwithstanding the above, at the discretion of the Referee, a Gross Misconduct penalty may be assessed for any infraction to any player or team official.
Note: Officials must complete a game report and report to the President any penalty incurred under Rule 9.2.(f).
These types of comments are not acceptable on the ice or off the ice and will not be condoned.
The NOHA has increased the length of the suspension since the start of the season, and will continue to do so should these penalties continue to be called. We all need to share the message that there is zero tolerance for the types of comments. Your support in sharing this message with Coaches and Players is greatly appreciated.
Yours truly,
Claudette Myre
NOHA President
The original Letter can be found here: Letter to Associations – Discriminatory Slurs – Janaury 23, 2020