Attention parents/coaches,

Please see the following message from the City of Greater Sudbury regarding the recent school closures.


Hi everyone,

With the increase in positive COVID cases in the School Community as well as many of you reaching out with questions, we thought it important to clarify a few things.

The most important thing to remember is to follow all directives from Public Health Sudbury & District – they are the voice on COVID and Public Health measures.

Here are answers to the two most asked questions:

Q: If a school has to close due to COVID, can students and teachers from that school still come to practices and/or games?


A: If a school has been directed by Public Health to isolate, then all students, faculty, and associated household members must also isolate and cannot attend an arena. Information on the specific directives comes from letters from PHSD in conjunction with the school boards/schools

Q: If a class has been asked to isolate and the School Board has closed a school as a precaution, can others from that school still come to practice/games?


A: If a class(es) has been directed by Public Health to isolate, then all students, faculty, and associated household members of that class(es) must also isolate and cannot attend an arena. If Public Health has NOT directed any other classes and their households to isolate, then those students/teachers/families can attend arenas. Information on the specific directives comes from letters from PHSD in conjunction with the school boards/schools

Q: If a school bus has been canceled, can the kids on that bus and their household still come to practices and/or games?


A1: If the students on the canceled school bus have been directed by Public Health to isolate, then all students, faculty, and associated household members must also isolate and cannot attend an arena. Information on the specific directives comes from letters from PHSD in conjunction with the school boards/schools/bus consortium

A2: If Public Health has NOT directed any students on the canceled bus and their households to isolate, then those students/families can attend arenas. Information on the specific directives comes from letters from PHSD in conjunction with the school boards/schools/bus consortium

Here is what Public Health Sudbury & District posted on social media on Friday, February 26 to provide more information on scenarios with regards to schools and isolation:

Self-isolation: Have you or your child been told to self-isolate due to COVID-19 cases at school? Here is some additional information to help answer questions.

  1. What does it mean for others in your household, if you or your child have been told to self-isolate due to classroom or school dismissals related to COVID-19?

– If a student, school staff, or educator has been told to stay home and follow self-isolation directions, the other members of the household will also be impacted. If the person who was told to self-isolate does not have symptoms of COVID-19, household members will need to remain at home except for essential reasons until the person is released from isolation. Essential reasons include attending work, school, or childcare, and essential errands such as groceries, attending medical appointments, or picking up prescriptions.

  1. What does it mean for a child if a parent is required to self-isolate?

– If a parent or caregiver (for example, school staff or educator) does not have symptoms and is at home self-isolating because their classroom was dismissed or for any other reason, the parent or caregiver is expected to remain at home and must follow self-isolation instructions. The parent or caregiver must remain isolated (away) from other members of household, including any children.

If the parent or caregiver is able to self-isolate away from children and everyone else in the household, everyone else in their household is required to stay home except for essential reasons. Essential reasons include attending work, school, or childcare, and essential errands such as groceries, attending medical appointments, or picking up prescriptions.

If the parent or caregiver is not able to self-isolate on their own, for example, they have a young child or children to care for, the child or children will also need to follow self-isolation instructions. This means the children cannot go to school or daycare and must remain at home.

  1. What does it mean for a parent if a child is required to self-isolate?

If a child does not have symptoms and is at home self-isolating because their classroom was dismissed or for any other reason, the child is expected to remain at home and must follow self-isolation instructions. The child must remain isolated (away) from other members of household, including parents and siblings.

If the child is able to self-isolate on their own, everyone else in their household is required to stay home except for essential reasons. Essential reasons include attending work, school, or childcare, and essential errands such as groceries, attending medical appointments, or picking up prescriptions.

If the child is not able to self-isolate on their own, apart from other household members, a parent or caregiver must also isolate with the child away from other household members. This means the parent or caregiver must follow self-isolation guidance for themselves including, for example, not leaving the home for groceries or to work.

  1. What happens if a child, parent, or guardian develops symptoms during their self-isolation?

If anybody has even one symptom of COVID-19, everyone in the household is required to self-isolate until the symptomatic individual receives a negative test result or is provided an alternative diagnosis by a health care professional. If the individual with symptoms does not seek COVID-19 testing or does not receive an alternative diagnosis, all household contacts must isolate for 14 days from their last contact with that symptomatic individual.

Please remember that Public Health Sudbury & District is responsible for the letters and work directly with the schools. Please direct any questions of clarification to Public Health Sudbury and District. They can be reached at 705 522-9200 and also have an active Facebook page for reference and instant messaging.

Thank you for continuing to follow all Public Health Guidelines and Arena User Guidelines and helping to keep us all safe!

 All the best,

Jody Cameron, MBA
Manager of Arenas
Arena Section / Leisure Services

P: (705) 674-4455, ext. 3434
F: (705) 670-0601

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