The NOHA has release their dates for the Coach 1 & Coach 2 clinics. Please see the information below. A reminder that all coaching requirements by level can be found here.

Good afternoon,

We are pleased to advise that the first Coach 1 – Intro Coach and Coach 2 – Coach Level clinics have been planned.

Dates – Coach 2-Coach Level on September 28, 2021 and Coach 1-Intro Coach on September 29, 2021.  Both clinics will begin at 6:00 p.m. and last approximately 4 hours.

Coach 2-Coach Level registration: HCR 3.0 – Hockey Canada Registry

Coach 1-Intro Coach registration: HCR 3.0 – Hockey Canada Registry

Who needs these qualifications:  Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches at U11 to U18 House League require Coach 2-Coach Level.  Head Coaches and Assistant Coach at U7 and U9 require Coach 1-Intro Coach.

Clinic Pre-Requisite:  The HU-Online Coach 1 / 2 is the pre-requisite for both clinics.  To register, click here: HCR 3.0 – Hockey Canada Registry

Space is limited to 20 participants.  Additional clinics will be available in the near future.

Jason Marchand

NOHA Executive Director

Note that the NOHA website is now located at

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