Hi everyone,

The Province has provided affected business owners, including municipalities, with detailed guidance on how to implement the Proof of Vaccination Policy.

As communicated last week, beginning September 22, 2021, the Province will require Ontario residents to be fully vaccinated and provide proof of their vaccination status to access certain facilities, including Arenas. We are currently working to hire the additional staff required to conduct the checks and screening. Every effort is being made to be ready for September 22, however additional time will be required to fully implement at all arenas.

Attached here are the revised Greater Sudbury Arena COVID-19 User Guidelines which include the following updates related to the new Proof of Vaccination Policy:

  • Participants of ice activities (hockey, skating, figure skating) aged 18+ must present proof of full vaccination for COVID-19 (both doses) along with *identification at the point of entry to the arena.
  • Participants aged 17 years and under who are entering the indoor premises solely for the purpose of actively participating in an indoor organized sport (training, practices, games and competitions) are not required to show proof of vaccination for COVID-19. In addition, proof of identification and proof of being fully vaccinated is not required for workers or volunteers, including coaches and officials.
  • SPECTATORS aged 12+ must present proof of vaccination for COVID-19 along with *identification at the point of entry to the arena.
  • SPECTATORS aged 11 & under must be accompanied by an adult who is fully vaccinated and provides *identification at the point of entry to the arena.

Individuals can provide proof of immunization by downloading or printing their vaccine receipt from the provincial booking portal, or by calling the Provincial Vaccine Booking Line at 1-833-943-3900. Proof of vaccination will be accepted if the person’s name and date of birth on their identification document matches the vaccination receipt with name and date of birth and if the person is fully vaccinated. Individuals’ second dose must be at least 14 days prior to attending an arena.

*Proof of identity can be established using documentation issued by an institution or public body, provided it includes the name of the holder and date of birth. Examples of identification documents that may be used to confirm the identity of the holder of the vaccine receipt include: email receipt • birth certificate • citizenship card • driver’s licence • government (Ontario or other) issued identification card, including health card• status card/Indigenous membership card • passport • permanent resident card

We kindly ask that everyone share this information with your participants, coaches, and parents along with the request to be patient as we implement this new policy from the Government of Ontario and support our staff, who will be at the point of entry verifying vaccine status and identification.

For additional information, you can visit this provincial government link: https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/1000807/ontario-releasing-guidance-to-support-proof-of-vaccination-policy. In addition, attached here is the guidance document, prepared by the Province, that arenas will be following.

Any questions, please let me know.

All the best,

Jody Cameron, MBA
Manager of Arenas
Arena Section / Leisure Services

P: (705) 674-4455, ext. 3434
F: (705) 670-0601

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