Please see the messaging below from the Manager of Arenas regarding the latest changes in the COVID-19 arena guidelines.

As most of you are aware Public Health Sudbury & Districts has made an announcement implementing new regulations in regard to Covid. Due to this announcement all NEHL games for Saturday, December 11th and Sunday, December 12th will be postponed while we await direction from the NOHA. All games scheduled for tonight will proceed as planned as the new regulations don’t come into effect until 12:01 a.m. on Saturday, December 11th. This is in line with the memo sent out by the NOHA, which can be viewed here.

Good afternoon everyone,

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked through the revised Letter of Instruction from Public Health Sudbury & District, updated December 9 2021 and how these instructions impact arena facilities and arena users.  We know that the last couple of days as well these last few seasons have been a challenge for all of you to navigate and truly appreciate your adaptability and continued support of ice activities and arenas.

By direction of the Letter of Instruction from PHSD, attached are the revised Greater Sudbury Arena Users Covid Guidelines and below is a summary of those changes:

On-Ice Procedure

Games / Scrimmages / Practices by amateur and recreational sports leagues may be played but associations and groups MUST modify on ice activities to ensure there is NO PHYSICAL CONTACT between participants, coaches

Associations and groups must modify practices, scrimmages, and games to avoid “close personal contact” between participants, players, coaches, volunteers.


Associations and Groups must provide an updated Covid Safety Plan that includes details on ice activities and how you will ensure “no personal contact” while in practice, scrimmage, and/or games.   Sports will not be permitted in the arenas unless the activities have been modified to “avoid personal contact”.


Entrance prior to the booked ice time is now 15 minutes (reduced from 30 minutes).  Participants are asked to arrive as close to ready as possible.


Spectators are permitted to be in the facility no earlier than 15 minutes prior to the ice time and must not loiter in the hallways / lobby area (reduced from 30 minutes).

Spectators must maintain a distance of at least 2 meters from ANYONE outside their household at ALL times while in the facility.

All parents or guardians (spectators) entering the facility must always wear a mask (covering the mouth and nose) as per Provincial Regulation 364/20, Schedule 1, Section 2 (4).

Mask exceptions as detailed in the regulation listed above will be respected. (i.e. medical condition, unable to put on a mask without assistance, *temporary removal to eat or drink, etc.… please refer to the above regulation link for complete details).ALL people entering the arena facility are required to wear a mask. Only skaters who are engaged in intense physical activity are not required to wear a mask. *MASKS ARE TO BE WORN IN BETWEEN SIPS OF BEVERAGES AND BITES OF FOOD. 

Spectators will be asked to leave the facility if they do not keep their masks on. Please help deliver this message to parents, grandparents, etc.

Upon Building Entry

Dressing rooms will be available no more than 15 minutes prior to the start of the ice time. Users are asked to arrive as close to “ready to play” as possible.

Showers and washrooms in the dressing rooms will be available, however, participants must respect the 15 -minute time limit if they choose to use the showers. If it is determined that players are unable to meet the departure time of 15 minutes after ice time ends, then showers will not be permitted

Exit Ice and Building

Spectators must exit the facility immediately following the ice time, with the exception of a parent or guardian of a minor.

Participants must exit the building through the appropriate door assigned for each pad within 15 minutes of the end of their ice time (reduced from 30 minutes).

In addition to the above and attached, we also wanted to provide you with an update on the Carmichael Arena.

With the Covid-19 Booster now open to all 18+ as well as vaccines now available for children ages 5-11, Carmichael Arena will continue to support the operation of vaccine clinics into 2022.


We will continue to work with all to do our best to find ice availability at other community rinks and expect to return to regular arena operations for next season.


Thank you again for your ongoing diligence in keeping everyone safe so that you and all of your participants can continue being on the ice and doing what we all love.

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