Greater Sudbury Arena Covid Guidelines
Hello everyone,
It’s great to have everything opening again and restrictions lifted!
Attached are the updated Arena Ice Users Covid Guidelines and below is a summary of changes.
Please note that many groups operate or are sanctioned by provincial or national governing. These groups must adhere to any return to play guidelines, vaccination policies, screening policies, and social distancing policies developed by these governing organizations (i.e., OHF, Skate Ontario, Hockey Canada, Ringette Ontario, etc.…).
Covid Safety Plans
Covid Safety Plans are no longer required.
Masks are no longer required to be worn inside Arenas
Physical Distancing
Keeping 6ft from others outside of your household is no longer required in the spectator area, in common areas, or on the bench.
Covid Screening
Active and passive screening are no longer required prior to entering the facility. We do ask that you continue to remain at home and not come to an Arena if you are unwell.
Isolation & Reporting of Covid Cases
Please follow all directives from Public Health Sudbury & District as it relates to isolation. Reporting of Covid Cases on teams and groups to Arena Management is no longer required.
Please share the above and attached with your teams and parents.
We look forward to another great month of ice activities – a friendly reminder that the regular season bookings and pricing ends April 24th and Spring/Summer begins April 25.
All the best,
Jody Cameron, MBA
Manager of Arenas
Arena Section / Leisure Services
P: (705) 674-4455, ext. 3434
F: (705) 670-0601