COVID-19 Safety Protocols
Good day Blast Family!
The safety protocols listed below have been put in place the City of Greater Sudbury, Hockey Canada and the NCMHA.
Please go through these protocols with your player.
- The list of Greater Sudbury COVID-19 safety guidelines can be found here.
- Separate entrance and exit doors are marked.
- Hand sanitizer must be utilized upon entrance of the facility.
- All personnel arriving at an area must wear a mask.
- Players must wear a mask while getting dressed. It is encouraged that players come as ready to play as possible to eliminate the time spent in the dressing rooms.
- Dressing rooms are only available 20 minutes prior to the scheduled ice time in order to properly clean and sanitize the dressing rooms.
- Players must remain in their dressing rooms until the start of their ice time to avoid contact with the players leaving the ice.
- Parents are allowed to stay and watch practices and games however they must respect the current capacity limits set by the city. The arena staff will be monitoring the building capacity. Garson Arena spectator capacity is 50. Coniston Arena spectator capacity is 35. For this reason, we are requesting that only one parent/family member is in attendance per child.
- Two dressing rooms are to be assigned per team in order to maintain physical distancing in the dressing rooms.
- Enhanced cleaning of public washrooms, dressing rooms, lobby area, high touch areas.
- Physical distancing is to be maintained while on the ice.
Hockey Canada/OHF/NOHA
- The full Hockey Canada Covid-19 safety guidelines can be found here.
- There is a limit of 25 players on the ice at one time.
- Players must bring their own labelled water bottles. The sharing of water bottles will not be permitted.
- All team staff are required to complete the “planning a safe return to hockey” course.
- No spitting or nose blowing in the hockey environment.
- Wash jerseys, socks and undergarments after every ice time.
- All spectators (including siblings) will be counted towards this limit therefore, we are requesting one parent/family member per player in order for every family to have the opportunity to see their children play.
- All players are required to complete the attendance for each practice game scheduled. This is done in TeamSnap.
3. All players are required to complete the Health Check through TeamSnap before their scheduled ice time. The Health Check will be open 8 hours before the scheduled ice time. Health Check is accessed in the same location as the event availability through the TeamSnap app. Please ensure this is completed before every ice time as it will assist with contact tracing if necessary.
4. Two practice jerseys will be issued per players in U9 – U18 in approximately two weeks time. These are to signify a home and away jersey for games. They can be worn by the players at any time throughout the season. The jerseys are to be handled by the player (or their family members) only. The jerseys do not need to be returned at the end of the season.