The 2019/2020 NCMHA AGM was held on October 26, 2020 at 6:30pm via Zoom. The board members for the 2020/2021 season are listed below:

  • Past President – Andrew Macdonald
  • President – Steve Anstey
  • Vice President – Kevin Buckland
  • Secretary – Leanne Messier
  • Treasurer – Shawn Rajotte
  • Registrar – Lisa Gardner
  • Ice Convenor – Matt Sooley
  • Tournament Chair – not elected due to COVID-19
  • Social Media Coordinator – Vacant
  • Equipment Manager – Nikki King
  • Directors:
    • U7 – Nola Hulan
    • U9 – Ben Peters
    • U11 – Paul Myre
    • U13 – Mark Lapalme
    • U15 – Kyla Roy
    • U18 – Graham Toering

The email addresses for all positions can be found on the NCMHA website.

If you are interested in filling the role of social media coordinator, please contact Steve Anstey, President NCMHA.

Please note that there may be delays in communication with the board changeover in the middle of the season however, we will do our best to not disrupt current operations.

Also, please accept our apologies if you are receiving this email twice, we are using multiple platforms to distribute the information to ensure maximum visibility.

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