Ice Cancellation
Dear NCMHA Parents and Players,
As many of you are aware there has been a positive case of Covid-19 at Northeastern Elementary School. Although the person in question is not a member of our association, some kids that are have been asked to self-isolate. This contact with members of our association affects many age groups that we are aware of.
The board of directors have sought guidance from the Health Unit and we are still awaiting their guidance on the matter. We have heard concerns from many parents and have had many advise that their children would not attend ice times this weekend.
Most members of the board held an emergency meeting and voted unanimously to cancel all U7, U9, U11, U13 & U15 ice times this weekend. As there is no known exposure to the U18 group at this time, their Sunday evening ice times will go on as scheduled.
The City of Sudbury has asked that we provide them with the following information about those that have been asked to self-isolate: How many kids were asked to self-isolate, when they were exposed to the positive case and when they were last at the arenas. If your child was asked to self-isolate please send this information to Kevin Buckland at Your child’s name will not be shared without your prior consent and that consent will only be requested from you if the city requests it of us.
We apologize to those of you who may be unhappy with this decision and wish you all a safe and enjoyable weekend.
Nickel Centre Minor Hockey Board of Directors